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This baby carrier has been developed to allow parents and caregivers to carry their children naturally on their hips without hurting their backs.


Specially designed to avoid one of the biggest causes of adult back pain, the carrier provides a firm surface for the child to sit on, and supports the parent's back.



With KangooBaby®, you can keep your back's natural position while holding your child.


Simple, practical and easy to use, this baby carrier is recommended by ostheopaths, chiropractors and back specialists.


You can start using it when your baby is able to sit on his own and has good control of his head, up until he weighs 40 pounds. Also, you can use it with your baby facing towards you, facing out, or on either side of your hip.


All 4 Mommy is the only authorized distributor across Canada.


Caution: Baby carrier is NOT HANDS FREE! 



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